Friday, April 29, 2011

Booboo on FOX Focus in Macon


NewsCentral's reporter and weekend anchor Michelle Quesada interviews Twilight Saga Actor Booboo Stewart, who plays the youngest in the wolf pack, Seth Clearwater. Thanks, Booboo. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The New Ambassadors of Child Help USA

Meet the new ambassadors of sorry for the sound just wanted to load it ASAP to spread the word. Join me and Fivel in supporting these kids and put an end to child abuse,, it's a new generation and we know better!!!
-Booboo Stewart

You can text CHLP to 20222 to donate $10 to Childhelp and help protect children from abuse and neglect.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Booboo Stewart Works Up A Sweat

Booboo visited a fight coordinator today (4-25-11) to prepare for his new upcoming film. What film do you think he's training for? 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

City Year Spring Break Education Destination 2011

Yesterday, April 23, Booboo & Fivel Stewart attended the 1st Annual Spring Break Education Destination for City Year: Los Angeles. Among the attendee were Emma Stone, Justin Timberlake and Twilight co-star Bryce Dallas Howard. This event celebrated the young leaders who commit a year of service to keeping Los Angeles’ most at-risk students in school and on track to graduate and succeed.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Abbys Dream Walk

Abby Wilson is a 13-year-old girl who is battling lung cancer and Twilight Mom's of Middle Georgia are helping to raise awareness of this very serious disease. In fact, they are hosting a walk on Saturday, April 30 and would like for you to come. There are a lot of people who have joined them, including the youngest teen wolf, Booboo Stewart. Abby's Dream Walk takes place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Tattnall Square Academy in Macon, GA. There will also be a Meet & Greet with the young star on Fridaay, April 29 at Jock & Jills.

 For more information, check out

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Good Friday at the LA Mission

Hollywood Reporter Kimberly Jessy interviewed Booboo Stewart from "The Twilight Saga" and his Sister Fivel Stewart at the LA Mission on Good Friday! They were giving back and feeding the homeless along with their mom, Renee, and stuntman/dad, Nils Allen Stewart. What an awesome family.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Donate To Child Help Now!

Booboo and Fivel Stewart are the new celebrity spokespeople for Child Help, their most recent charity. They've made it pretty clear in their recent tweet(s) that they want you to check out the website. Be sure to go check it out and get the word out! Let's start a chain reaction! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Busy Day Back in LA

After numerous days and countless hours, Booboo Stewart has finally finished filming Breaking Dawn (for now). He flew home on April 15th, and was met by the paparazzi.


The next day, it was off to the Grove after Fivel went to the Hoodwinked Too Premiere.


Finally, The Haunting Hour: Pool Shark Chat Party with The Booboo Girls.
Booboo, Fivel and the whole Stewart Family spent an hour speaking with fans.

Along with photographer Amanda Elkins.

 Booboo and The Booboo Girls

♥ ♥ ♥ Thanks for making time for all of your fans. This was awesome. ♥ ♥ ♥ 

The Booboo Girls Chat = Success

Our chat Saturday night turned out to be a big hit with guests like Booboo Stewart, Fivel Stewart, and the whole Stewart family. We hope all of our viewers had a great time. We hope to do one again very soon. Thanks!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Exclusive Clip from Pool Shark

Are you brave enough to see what's in the water?

Let's See if Kai is, this Saturday at 8:30pm EST/ 5:30pm PST on Hub TV.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Naturally Savvy interviews Booboo & Fivel

We had the opportunity to speak to Booboo and Fivel Stewart, two up and coming actors (you can catch Booboo in the popular Twilight trilogy).  Here's what they had to say about living a natural and green lifestyle:

Naturally Savvy Question (Andrea): How do you maintain balance while working on a movie?
Booboo and Fivel: For both of us, when we are on set and not filming we spend a lot of time doing school work and plus our family is always around. Most sets have fruit, nuts, and vegetable platters – sometimes a good choice of juices – and always water.

Naturally Savvy Question (Andrea): How do you feel your life has changed for the better since working on the Twilight series and how do you stay grounded?
Booboo: Well, I get noticed more (laughing) and I have been given so many cool opportunities I wouldn’t have had before. I get to travel to places that I had just read about…my family definitely keeps me grounded.

Naturally Savvy Question (Andrea): Do you find that the younger generation of actors are concerned about what they eat and/or where it comes from (i.e. locally sourced vs. not)?
Booboo and Fivel: We think our generation in general is more conscious of what they eat.

Naturally Savvy Question (Andrea): What do you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Booboo: I eat really healthy and go to the gym 6 days a week. When I have down time if I’m not playing my guitar or drums I am outside.
Fivel: I go to the gym a lot too, and take dance classes whenever I can. I don’t eat meat – just fish and I try to eat a lot of vegetables.

Naturally Savvy Question (Andrea): What eco-conscious things do you do in your life?
Booboo and Fivel: We both are conscious of water use, we turn off lights and computers when we aren’t using them and we recycle.

Thanks Booboo and Fivel!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New Stills for Pool Shark

Here are a few stills from the new episode of The Haunting Hour "Pool Shark". It will be airing this Saturday, April 16, 2011. We will be chatting live online throughout the entire show. See you there.



Thursday, April 7, 2011

Popstar! Poptastic Awards 2011

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's that time again. It's the 10th Annual Popstar! Poptastic Awards 2011. Booboo Stewart has been nominated for two awards, Best Male Actor and  Male Hottie (no shock there). But do you think we are going to stop there. Of course not. You also have the option to write in your votes and we are taking full advantage of it. Voting polls are open now. So go right now and vote for your favorites.

Here's how we're voting:












So, make sure you cast your vote each and every day and make your voice heard. Who knows, We might even get some Jumbo-size Posters of Booboo and Fivel. Just saying.


♥ Team StewHearts ♥

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

MTV Reveals "Most Anticipated Newcomer"

Of course, it is no shocked to us that Booboo Stewart is the Most Anticipated Newcomer to the Twilight Series. According to Fandango, thirty-three of "Eclipse" ticket buyers agree with us. He beat out fellow co-stars Xavier Samuel (Reily), Jodelle Ferland (Bree) and wolf-mates Tyson Houseman (Quil) and movie sister Leah, played by Julia Jones.

'Said Fandango editor-in-chief Chuck Walton, "It’s a surprising choice, as [Booboo] doesn’t get much screen time in 'Eclipse.' You would have thought that the fans would get more worked up over Xavier Samuel as Riley, a meatier role, or to see Jordelle as Bree, since her character has a entire story named after her…but never bet against the growing cult of Team Jacob, his Wolf-Pack Pals, and the burgeoning fan base for Team Seth."... Walton goes on to say that many fans see young Stewart as "the new Taylor Lautner." And although he's not a big part of "Eclipse," Stewart's role in "Breaking Dawn" is described as "meatier." As Walton says, "There’s already a bunch of Team Seth fan sites out there."'

Yes, there are. We aren't just Team Seth, We are Team Booboo and We aren't going anywhere.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Haunting Hour: Pool Shark - Chat Party

This is Our Official Chat Party for the premiere of the Haunting Hour: Pool Shark.

The Chat Party will start at April 16, 2011 at 7:30pm EST & 4:30pm PST

The Haunting Hour series will start at 8:30pm EST & 5:30pm PST

Location: The Booboo Girls Chatroom -

We will be broadcasting and chatting throughout the entire eposide and even after party recap. Make sure your TV is tuned to the HUB Network.

Comcast:   Channel 130
Direct TV:  Channel 294
Dish Network:  Channel 179/888

There's are the channels in my neighborhood. Yours might be different. PLese check the hub website for your correct channel.

*Due to Broadcoasting rights, we cannot show actual eposide in our Chatroom. Sorry. But I'll try to describe s much of it as possible during commerical break.*

See You There.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Launter is out; Stewart is in ***UPDATED***


Updated: April 2, 2011
I would like to apologize for anyone who fell for our little April Fool's joke. This is what we came up with and here's a few hint on why this was not even possible.


According to source, Taylor was under a lot of pressure these past few weeks and yesterday he and director, Chris Weitz,  had a serious falling out. Taylor stormed off the set and Chris quickly replaced him  with their youngest wolf, Booboo Stewart. When asked about the fans reaction, this is what Weitz had to say. "Taylor wants to quit, let him. The show must go on, and no one else is more perfect than Booboo Stewart. Team Booboo." Nothing has been confirmed as of yet, but don't be surprised to see Booboo Stewart take the Twilight crown from you, Taylor.

1. Chris Weitz isn't the director of Breaking Dawn, Bill Condon is the director.
2. Taylor Lautner is just a sweetheart. He worked to hard to quit. Are You Nuts? 
3. The cast was off for a couple of days. They were no where near the set yesterday.
4. Chris Weitz saying Team Booboo. That was so us. Sorry, we are Booboo Girls.

Sorry, if anyone got upset or confused about this. Hope this clears up anything. Taylor Lautner is Jacob, Booboo Stewart is Seth and ALWAYS will be. End of story. April Fools.

source <----Did anyone even bother checking the source? Here's some help.